Sunday, September 27, 2009


Hate school days...
Today lastdayle...
So sienz...
Tomorrow need to go school...
Hope everybody can go back to school happily...
Need to go le..
Happy school day...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Tired Day...

I bookle court to play badminton...
I call Sam, Chan and Adrian
Chan say he want to go "gai gai"
No time to play with me...
After we play...
I found that Sam's "Cousin" very "geng"le...
He very Pro..
I managed to win himla...
After we finish the game, I drop sam at his relative's house...
Then My family go eat "yu tou mi"

When at 5'o clock...
Adrian call me to play football...
Then i gola...
So...TIRED...After we finish playing...
But so suang...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tagged From Sam...






****---- 個 人 題 - 10 題 ----****

01 你叫什么 Kai Wen lol

02 你的綽號:NO...

03 你的血型:O type

04 你的星座:Cancer...(DON'T MISUNDERSTAND IT...)

05 你是男還是女?: Boy of coursela...

06 你幾歲:14

07 你住哪裡:Bandar Tun Hussein Onn

08 你現在的學校 :S.M.K Bandar Tun Hussein Onn 2

09 你有沒有手機 :Ya...(Wanna call me?)

10 承上,那是多少:wat多少?

****---- 朋 友 題 - 10 題 ----****

11 你最要好的朋友(限1個): Erm...

12 你最討厭的人(限1個): Nope(i very good de...)

13 你最正的女性朋友(限1個): You say leh?

14 你最帥的男性朋友(限1個): Sam and Chan...( u choose 1)

15 什麼樣的女生你最討厭:Bad Question...I wonder why...

16 什麼樣的男生你最討厭:Erm...

17 你的好朋友有誰(不限): Many...(i noe de lor...)

18 你經常和哪位朋友出去:Chan and Sam

19 你身邊最憨的朋友(限1個,不能自己):Chan and Sam (u choose 1)

20 你身邊最可愛的朋友(限1個): No1

****----感 情 題 - 15 題 -------****

21 你有沒有喜歡的人: No Yet

23 如果没有,你希望什麼時候有另一半:到时再说

24 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過: NO1

25 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過: NO1

26 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋有:NO1

27 你現在有另一半嗎: NO1

28 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣: Oh my god??? I wonder why the question be like this!

29 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 :Dunno?

30 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人:Y?

31 你和另一半牽手過嗎:No

32 你的另一半抱或親過嗎: No... Why?

33 你跟異性牽手過嗎:Yah... (standard 1)

34 是誰,你們什麼關係: U say leh?

35 現在有人在追你嗎:Maybe? Dunno(haha)

****---- 混 合 題 - 10 題 ----****

36 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣:i gonna

37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:Let him busted

38 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:Wat this mean?

39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎: Never...

40 你上課認真嗎 : Sometimeslo...

41 你功課好不好: Dunno...Ask my frenz..

42 你开电腦都在幹麻:Chat, Games, Online! Post bloglo...

43 你的即时通有多少个同性: U countla...

44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:U Countla...

****---- 兇 手 題 - 1 0 題 ----****

45 傳給你這份問卷的人是誰:Sam lo...

46 这個人對你好不好:Best

47 這個人是你的誰:Friend

48 你有喜歡過這個人嗎: Never...

49 你們認識多久了:Erm... Ask Himla...

50 這個人是怎樣的人:Goodla..

51 這個人正/帥嗎:U say leh?

52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过: Yah...

53 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办: T'm not gay...

****----- 聯 想 題 - 10 題---****

56 說到正妹你會想到誰:正妹la...(noob Ques)

57 說到帥哥你會想到誰:帅哥la...

58 說到憨你會想到誰: Dunno

59 說到痴你會想到誰:Chuen Jiun

60 暗戀你會想到誰:张智城

61 說到出去玩你會想到誰:Friends

62 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:dunno?

63 說到傻子你會想到誰: Dunno...

64 說到笑點低你會想到誰 : Wee Jian...He smiles everthing

65 說到愛笑你會想到誰 : Chuen Jiun

****----- 學 校 題 - 1 1 題 -----****

66 你的班導是誰: Pn.Norhana

67 你的座位是第幾排第幾個: Sit beside Sam

68 你最喜歡的老師是誰:Standard 3,4 and 5 de...

70 你的英文好嗎: OKlo...

71 你的體育好嗎:Still ok!!!

72 你的数学好么:Not very good

73 你喜不喜歡你的校長:Yuk...

74 你的學校好看嗎:Torture School...

75 你的班級是:2 Kualiti

76 你的班級在幾樓:3

3)CJ (Chuen)
4)Cheong Wah
5)Wee Jian
6)Qi Bin
7)Qi Shen

And more lagi...
U Guessla...(haha)
People that tagged me lol...

Boring Holiday...

This holiday is the very BORING>>>
No go where lo...
Juz go to Leisure Mall
so sienz...
Sam and me and Chan also got play SA together...
I am the most noob de lol...
They so Pro...
Nothing to say leh...
By The Way...
Wish u all Happy Holiday and
Happy Mooncake Festival

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bang in school

Sivik teacher let us go to computer lab...
The teacher say she lazy to teach us all...
we play Counter Strike with a gang of noob...Haha
They always say want to headshot us...
Haha...are they kidding???
Then we play lol...
After we play...
They relized that we are proz...
They always kill by Sam Chan and Guess who???(Kai Wen)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm back

I'm back...
Not me back...
Pn.Zuriana is back...
She is back replace the guru ganti(Pn. Anissa)

Pn.Zuriana's mood is very good...
She never had a black face today...
Lucky us(juz 2 Kualiti...)
She need us to finish our seni...
3 chapters(nota and latihan) and pembetulan for Seni...
Lucky and Unlucky day...

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Yesterday, teacher told us to go to dewan to listen ceramah...
So sienz...
I wonder...the man who speak in the ceramah..
isn't he thirsty???
She can talk all day long...
From...2:30 pm until skul finish...
leg s so pain...
We all chinese boy sit together lo...
The other man also ask us to sing the scott emulsion de song..

Friday, September 4, 2009


This week...
Teacher give out many exams paper...
Every subjects we also nervous...
Every sbject also very suprise with the marks...

When all the teacher gave out all the exam's paper...(execpt Geo)
we calculate all the results... together... to...
Compare our marks for ...

After Sam, Kah Hoe and me calculate the marks...
The result is...
1st. Kah Hoe
2nd. KAi Wen
3rd. Sam
The diffrent of our marks is just 1 mark...
Sam 1mark to Kai Wen 1mark to Kah Hoe...
So unlucky...